Adoption Learning Partners
Adoptive Families
Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh)
The Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E)
Creating a Family
I’m Adopted (Global Adoptee Community)
National Council For Adoption
Pact, An Adoption Alliance
Research by Amanda Baden
Virtual Adoptive Parent & Guardianship Support Group
Article: As a Black woman raised by White parents, I have some advice for potential adopters (April 5, 2021)
Article: 'Am I Asian Enough?' Adoptees Struggle To Make Sense Of Spike In Anti-Asian Violence (March 27, 2021)
Beyond Consequences Institute
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC)
Dr. Ross Greene
Empowered to Connect
Lavender Luz / Lori Holden
Lives in the Balance
Parenting After Trauma
White Sugar, Brown Sugar blog
A Better World
Access Connecticut
Adoption Assistance Program
Adoption Community Network
Alliance for Children
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families
CT Kids Matter
Families Rising
Family & Children's Agency
Klingberg Family Centers
'R Kids Family Center
Starfish Family Connections, LLC
The Adopted Life / Angela Tucker videos
Brené Brown on Blame
Brené Brown on Empathy
Dear Teacher: Advice From Students to Teachers
Nadine Burke Harris: Childhood Trauma
Free Web-Based Training in Adoption Competency for Child Welfare and Mental Health Professionals (CEUs included)
Training for Adoption Competence (TAC) - Post-Master's Accredited Certificate Program for Licensed Clinicians (CEUs included)
Right Time Training - Post Adoption Support, Training, and Resources
CAFAF Post-Licensing Training Module Classes
CAFAF Online Training from DCF